"Featuring 42 self-identifying Latina women and non-binary Latinx Minnesota-based artists with ancestral roots in Latin America, this exhibition is a comprehensive survey highlighting a variety of media, methods and themes that center and celebrate a diverse group of Latina and Latinx artists from across the state. By platforming each artist’s distinct history and identity, this exhibition seeks to honor the contributions of Latina and Latinx artists to our state’s shared past, present and future cultural heritage."
Description from St. Catherine University
Muérdame (2024)
Muérdame was selected to be apart of the Latina/x MN exhibition located in the Catherine G. Murphy gallery on Saint Catherine University's Campus in St. Paul, Minnesota. This series is an updated selection of three prints, originating from the series Bite Me, produced in the spring of 2023 in response to the vandalism of my art on the St. Olaf College campus. The updated three prints reflect the size initially desired when creating Bite Me, intended to highlight the gravity and scale of the actions made by the individual who destroyed my original piece. Artist statements for both Muérdame and Bite Me can be located below.
Read more about Latina/x MN: Reclaiming Space in Times of Change Below!